Refund Policy

We appreciate your interest in Brand Bazooka. Our commitment is to deliver exceptional experiences and learning opportunities to all our users. Similar to any online purchase, our Refund Policy is governed by specific terms and conditions. By purchasing a program on Brand Bazooka, you agree to adhere to our Terms & Conditions and refund policy.

Outlined below is our refund policy:

Please note that the Services you purchase are non-transferable and non-refundable.

Kindly acknowledge that Brand Bazooka holds no obligation to refund any fees or applicable charges paid by you, whether in full or partially, under any circumstances. This includes situations such as modifying or extending the Service duration, changes in the Service’s commencement date, non-attendance or participation on your part, or alterations to the Service’s structure or content.

In the event a refund is issued, it’s important to understand and agree that the refunded amount may either be provided in cash or credited (for the purchase of any other Brand Bazooka Services of equivalent value), solely at the discretion of Brand Bazooka.


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